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We are grateful to our talented and passionate instructors who all volunteer their time. Some instructors teach every term. And others teach when they can. Together, they make LLC an outstanding experience for lifelong learners.
Scroll down to read more about our instructors. And if you have a passion or expertise that you want to share with others, please consider joining our faculty. Contact us here.
JOSEPH ADAMCZYK, J.D.I was raised in Pittsburgh where my interest in history began with the first book I bought in first grade. I majored in history at the University of Pittsburgh and throughout my career as a lawyer, I never stopped exploring history and the juxtaposition of history and the law. I look forward to the opportunity to share as well as gain from teaching a course on the constitution.
ROBERTO ALTSCHUL, PH.D., MATHEMATICSFall 2021 will be when I teach my first class. During the spring quarter I took two LLC classes. I very much enjoyed the interaction with everybody involved, facilitators and fellow "students." This is such a wonderful environment that I know I will very much enjoy teaching at LLC. More than I have, when I taught college and graduate students? I do not doubt it at all.
DEEPALI BAUMANN, B.A., POSTGRAD IN JAPAN GROUPSI've lived in many different countries, love to travel, read and write, and enjoy meeting fellow travelers, readers and writers. I just started teaching at LLC and I’m guessing that I'll get as much from the participants as I give. The sharing of ideas has always been incredibly energizing for me, be it a book club or a political discussion group or just a chance conversation as I go about my daily life.
DAVID CRAIG BERLINER, M.A., GROUP FACILITATORAs a young boy, I yearned to develop a split personality. One would be Superman, with all the benefits that embodiment provided, and the other his alter ego, the star reporter Clark Kent. While I didn’t become Superman, I did get to spend most of my career in a rich mix of reporting, writing, and teaching. I love to write, a passion that led me to volunteer as facilitator of the Life Stories group, which I joined three years ago. The weekly sessions have provided a safe space in a warm, supportive environment for each of us to share the stories we write for our loved ones and for future generations. Whether funny, sad, nostalgic, or exciting—and sometimes very personal—we know our pieces will be heard and commented on by friends.
BRUCE BIGLEY, PH.D., COMPARATIVE LITERATUREI discovered LLC while looking for a mentor I had lost contact with, Otto Reinert, now deceased, who taught for many years at LLC. I connected with him and took a course and then connected with other instructors and eventually started teaching my own courses.
STEVE CAMP, GROUP FACILITATORI was a regular in the Current Events Class at LLC, and leapt at the chance to become a discussion leader when the previous facilitator took a sabbatical. I like the people you meet in the classes, engaging with them In thoughtful conversation, and learning things from their perspectives, background and life experiences. I love the fact the class hates to skip a week, and so we often get together between sessions.
DALE CHASE, MLS, GENERALISTI first learned about Lifetime Learning Center from my partner, Dianne, who had been taking classes for some time. When I dived in, I found that I was swimming in an amazingly rich pool of talented people who weren't just well-educated and experienced in what they offered, but were also intensely aware of life and the fact that age has little to do with the desire to learn. I have found great patience and kindness among these people and hope I can live up to their example in my efforts to share what I know. I find it unfortunate, in our youth-dominated, that our younger citizens don't realize what they are missing through our culture's failure to draw on this energy of elder wisdom and fun.
CHANDLER CLIFTON, M.A., ENGLISHI began taking classes at LLC and was blown away by the instructors and the student body. I noticed that there were NO classes just for men, so I decided to start a discussion group...NO THERAPY, just discussions about topics created by the group. What I enjoy most about teaching at LLC is the student body of only males and having discussions that we might shy away with if women were present.
JILL COLE, GROUP FACILITATORI got involved with LLC as my neighbor, Nancy Baron, had been a member of The New Yorker group and had raved about it to me (I had not even heard of LLC until that point several years ago). I enjoy meeting like minded people whom I would never had met otherwise! I'm a 60 year reader of The New Yorker and am facilitating the group in honor of Stephanie Kaylin.
REBECCA CRICHTON, M.A., CHILD DEV/ORG DEVI taught at LLC years ago and was happy to return in the fall of 2022 to teach a cooking class. I am now teaching a class on grief and loss. I am a trained hospice volunteer, facilitator of grief support groups, and trained coach. My public presentations and private consultation related to end-of -life and grief have helped increase knowledge and understanding for people dealing with loss… It is far better to learn and address about these topics as we age and support others through these most natural and significant life processes.
RICHARD CURTIS, PH.D., PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGIONA friend took some classes and mentioned LLC as a place I could teach. Since I have retired from college teaching I was looking for other ways to use my training. I love teaching, and I’ve now been an instructor at LLC for about 3 years. The students are much more committed than undergraduates, and with more life experience they bring much more to classroom discussions. They make teaching even more rewarding.
THEODORE DEACON, D.M.A.I began teaching at LLC because I wanted to contribute to my local community. I enjoy presenting to seniors who are engaged, enthusiastic, mature (in the intellectual sense), and have a wide field of interest. I’ve now been teaching at LLC for 21 years!
TOM DEMPSEY, PHOTOGRAPHERMy bridge-playing friend Cecile Disenhouse long extolled teaching at LLC, so I gave it a go! She was right that volunteering my enthusiasm to the LLC community is mutually beneficial. What I enjoy about teaching is that sharing expertise with others nicely sharpens my social and technical skills. I most like interacting with curious students, sparking creativity, and making a meaningful difference in the community.
MARGOT DICK, POETRY FACILITATORI’ve been teaching poetry at LLC for 3 years. I love the camaraderie between the wonderful women in the class and the beautiful poems we present, some of which are our own. I also love our explorations together, and how themes unexpectedly emerge in the work we share. The leadership of the poetry class has been passed from one beloved poet to another. Martha Prothro passed leadership to Elhri Larsen, and Elhri passed it to me. The class is for poetry lovers and poets. Some of us have shared poetry together since the class began 15 years ago. Others come and go. We teach each other.
CECILE DISENHOUSE, WATERCOLORISTI have studied art and been painting all my life, and LLC seemed like a wonderful way to give this joy to others. I feel anyone can become a decent painter if they put in the time and effort. I love to see the students improving and producing good paintings. I love the atmosphere at LLC and have met the most delightful people here.
BOB DULUDE, PH.D., PHYSICSI am teaching a science class about understanding our universe. I have been giving this class at various senior centers in the Seattle area (e.g., Trilogy at Redmond Ridge, Shoreline Community Center, Mercer Island Community Center) and it has been well received. I'm looking forward to now teaching at the center.
MARY LYNNE EVANS, B.A., M.S.W.I’ve been teaching at LLC, off and on, for over 4 years. I have a great deal of respect for the mission and work of LLC, and I love the vibrant community. What I enjoy most about teaching here is the curiosity, energy and humor of the students. I have a Bachelor’s and two Master's Degrees - one in Literature and one in Social Work, with an emphasis on urban planning. I spent 10 years as a teacher and 25 years as an urban planner. I’ve travelled to 51 countries and all continents.
CHRISTIANE FARIS, M.A.I was born in Berlin, Germany. After losing our home to allied fire bombing in WWII, we moved west to a town that was to become part of the British Zone of Occupation. I studied German and English Literature at the University of Göttingen and passed my advanced state exams there. Several scholarships in the US allowed me to continue my studies, but my interdisciplinary PhD (German, English, Art History) remained unfinished. My husband and I had long academic teaching careers in Oklahoma. In retirement, and widowed, I joined my daughter‘s family in Seattle in 2017. A neighbor suggested LLC classes, which I have enjoyed to the fullest, even becoming active with Life Lines, the literary magazine. I am honored to join the faculty and will teach a summer course about the end of WWII, combining remembered events and factual information. For the fall, I invite LLC students to a course about Highlights of German Romanticism to sample the rich heritage of prose, poetry, music and painting. Both courses are in person.
LARRY GALES, PH.D., COMPUTER SCIENCEI teach classes on climate change. I have a background in the subject as well as many years in the areas of science and technology. I am passionate in helping people to understand and deal with this existential threat. The thing I enjoy most about teaching at LLC is interacting with members of the class, answering their questions, and learning from them as well.
TOM GASKINS, B.S., MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGI'm a retired software engineer who developed applications for scientific and geographic visualization. I've experienced the breakthroughs, fashions and fads as software evolved from card decks on the big machine in the back room to auto-generated apps in everyone’s pocket. Once software started writing itself, I decided to retire! I first learned of LLC from Steve Camp when I worked with him at NEST. I also worked there with Marilyn Spotswood. When she asked whether I’d be interested in teaching at LLC I thought it a wonderful way to share my joy of science.
STEVE GOLDENBERG, MLS, MBAI’ve worked as an educator & librarian in my early career, moving from New York to Seattle in 1979 to accept a position at SPL. I received an MBA from UW in 1986 and began my second career as a marketing & product development manager. Upon retiring in 2019, I couldn’t wait to further explore my lifelong love for music and signed up for the LLC ukulele song circle class. I had no prior uke experience but quickly fell in love with the instrument as well as the instructors, classmates and nurturing environment of the LLC.
KEVIN HAIG, GROUP FACILITATORWhen I took my first ukulele class in 2018, I was taken with the accessibility and fun of the instrument. I first came to LLC as a ukulele student in 2019. In 2023 I taught a Beatles Ukulele class at LLC, and we gave a concert at the end of the term. It was great fun! My musical history also includes co-hosting a weekly guitar song circle at the Kenmore Senior Center and playing rhythm guitar in a community band for eight years.
SANDI JAMES, GROUP FACILITATORMy experience includes teaching middle school arts camp; crafts in Vermont, then commencing a rewarding career in Special Education in Washington. Before retiring, I found time to construct my own cabin on Herron Island and design my backyard garden. I continue to bicycle tour throughout the greater Northwest, explore watercolor in Cecile’s class and be mesmerized by the image making of northern and central Australian Aboriginal skin groups.
CAMERON JUSTAM, ROSEN INSTRUCTORI was taking an art class at LLC and make the connection that there needed to be more physical types of classes offered. since I was certified in Rosen Movement, I offered it and the rest was history. I love the enthusiasm of the students.
JOAN KARKECK, M.S., FOOD AND NUTRITIONI have been a student at LLC since last century after retiring from teaching Nutrition at UW. I loved getting a chance to take classes completely outside the sciences. I was woefully deficient in literature classes and loved the political discussion classes and finding a community of 'Seniors' who chose not to drift. The social aspects were important to me as well. I taught Nutrition at the University of Washington. Before that I was involved in volunteer activities teaching Nutrition and Food Science to the people who would teach mothers how to feed their families. It was important for me to understand how their food customs might be changed to provide a healthy diet.
SHEILA KIRBY, PH.D., ECONOMICSI love teaching and taught economics and statistics for 25 years at the graduate school of public policy in DC. There is nothing more wonderful and fulfilling than teaching and helping students understand difficult or unfamiliar concepts and ways of thinking. Since my husband's death 13 years ago and my subsequent retirement, I have been living in Maine on Mount Desert island, the home of Acadia National Park. However, as I get older, my family has encouraged me to come to the west coast (my family is spread from CA to WA!). In looking to move to Seattle, I was hoping to find a community of active and interested learners and teachers, similar to the one at the Acadia Senior College in Maine. When I discovered the Lifetime Learning Center and was able to talk with Marilyn over Zoom, it was an unexpected and welcome gift! I look forward to being a part of the community here, both as a student and an instructor, learning more about Seattle, and making a contribution both to the center but to the larger community as well. In looking to move to Seattle, I was hoping to find a community of active and interested learners and teachers, similar to the one at the Acadia Senior College in Maine
LOUISE KULZER, NATURALISTI’m a naturalist who’s been living in Seattle over 30 years learning about nature, especially native plants, insects, birds, and gardening. After retiring, I volunteered to be a Seattle Urban Nature Guide to share nature with Seattle kids and families. I believe we protect what we love, but only love what we know. I’m hoping to help others notice and appreciate more about the world around them to help preserve a rich urban environment for us all.
MARIANNE LOGERFO, M.A., EDUCATIONI love everything about teaching at LLC-- reading and thinking about the upcoming class, preparing the course book and powerpoint images, making new connections among ideas as the material shapes in my mind. But most of all, I enjoy connecting with the curious, enthusiastic, well-stocked and gracious minds of our class members.
BERNARD MANN, PHOTOGRAPHERI graduated from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts in Filmmaking after a lot of video work in high school. I spent time in LA producing and editing films like "Masters of Success" with Ed Asner. I have taught at the Northwest Film Forum and Cornish, among others. I believe in education for all ages and that is what LLC offers. I enjoy the chance to teach students from young to old. It brings me much joy and satisfaction.
SUE MCCARTHY, CLASS FACILITATORLearning another language has been a lifetime goal for me. And I have realized that fluency only comes with lots of conversation practice. So I was thrilled when Marilyn offered to add a Spanish practice group to the schedule at LLC. In previous lives, I facilitated an English conversation group in France and in London helped individuals from other European countries improve their command of English. I’ve conducted skill-building sessions for professional mediators, as well as assisted with peer mediation training for middle school and high school students. I also worked behind bars with prisoners leading restorative circles and classes in Nonviolent Communications. Facilitating a Spanish conversation practice group is a first for me and I’m looking forward to the challenge.
RICHARD MEEKS, M.A., LMHCI’m a well seasoned therapist in private practice, a philosopher, Shakespeare fan, sailor, music lover and amateur guitarist. I teach Adlerian Psychology at Antioch University, and have taught at innumerable forums, workshops, and conferences over the years through the Puget Sound Adlerian Society.
ANNE MOHUNDRO, M.ED., WRITING FACILITATORI first took a writing class when the LLC was still on Ravenna. Over time, the class no longer had a teacher, but we wanted to continue because we valued the connections that grew from listening to stories of other lives, and because it was great to have an audience for our own stories. I became the "facilitator" of the class. I love the way each person's story is unique. On the surface we may look similar -- "older adults" -- but our lives are wonderfully diverse. At the same time, we often find common ground that gives us impetus for our own writing.
MARCIA NELSON, J.D., BRIDGE INSTRUCTORI am an attorney. After retiring in 2017, I was able to devote time to improving my bridge skills. That's when I started taking a bridge class at LLC and met so many fun bridge players. Then, the previous bridge teacher asked me to take over for him when he decided to retire at age 92! The students and staff at LLC are wonderful.
JERRY NEUFELD-KAISER, GARFIELD HS TEACHERI’m a history and geography teacher at Garfield High School. I enjoy sharing the delights of history with groups other than high school students. When I teach at LLC I get to develop interesting new classes and share them with an enthusiastic group of people old enough to have lots of context for thinking about history topics.
HOLLY NILSON, B.A., ARTI’ve been participating in Women and Poetry in Everyday Living for quite a few years and through it have been exposed to poetry, modern and not, local and not, well known or obscure. It is as much a joy to be read to as it is to share the work of poets I discover or poems I have written myself with such a thoughtful, lively group each week. I have a BA in Art from Cal State University, Long Beach and enjoyed a year at UW in English language study including a poetry class with the late, great Nelson Bentley.
MARK ONDRAKE, M.A., ART HISTORYI received my MA in Art History from the University of Wisconsin, where art was indeed the "queen of the humanities." My art education included many years of travel, exploring the treasures of historical buildings and art museums, and delving into US, English, and French cultures. I taught at a small private college for 20 years and have been teaching at LLC for 5 years. At LLC it is a great privilege and thrill to share my personal photos of Art and Architecture with class participants, where we discuss our travels and art experiences.
BEV OSBAND, PH.D., PSYCHOLOGYAfter I retired from clinical practice as a psychoanalyst, I was looking for community and a satisfying volunteer opportunity. A friend told me about LLC and suggested I apply. I began teaching "Jung and the 2nd Half of Life" in spring, 2016, and I now teach a creative writing class. I enjoy the community that LLC is -- being with people who are life-long learners! Whether teaching classes or taking classes, it is invariably interesting, challenging and fun.
ARLENE PLEVIN, GROUP FACILITATORI am a long-time poetry instructor, and looking forward to continuing my teaching by working with LLC. I've spent most of my adult life teaching because I love words and love hearing what others come up with--their insights and their words. I am excited to work with LLC folks because I love poetry and enjoy having people share what they've written.
LANCE RICHMOND, BRIDGE INSTRUCTORI became the Director of the Magnolia bridge group back in 2017, though I'm more of an organizer than a director. (When a player yells "Director!" I always hope that someone else will answer!) We might be the only group in town that plays rubber bridge, Chicago, and duplicate on a rotating basis. I have heard good things about LLC from several folks in my group and am looking forward to getting involved.
CHUCK ROXIN, PH.D., INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAWI decided to teach at LLC because it was an opportunity to share what I love with engaged, interested and warm people. I’ve now been teaching for seven years. I enjoy the interaction with class participants, and I love the Q&A!
STACY SCHULZE, YARN ARTISTThe former LLC Executive Director asked if I would be interested in teaching. I already taught some handcraft classes at a local shop and decided to offer a class at LLC that I didn't teach elsewhere. I’ve now been teaching at LLC for 11 years, and what I enjoy most is the student enthusiasm.
ARLENE SELLEREITE, GROUP FACILITATORI co-host the Creative Writing class. I have always enjoyed writing, especially when I had children and grandchildren. Looking at the little faces, focused on every word, was so much fun as Harvey T. Mouse and other characters ran into snags and overcame. I was a volunteer at the Hunger Intervention Program (that also rents space at Lake City Presbyterian Church) when I heard LLC was also renting space there. I made a beeline to sign up for creative writing. It’s been so much fun becoming acquainted and becoming friends with LLC participants and, in this class, loving and respecting our leader, Vel Gerth. I spent many years as a nurse, both conventional and holistic, and as an inveterate traveler. I learned there is always a story wherever one is or with whomever one is. Often many stories.
MICHAEL SHURGOT, PH.D., ENGLISHTeaching at LLC is a golden opportunity to pursue my profession in a thoroughly enjoyable setting. What I love is the freedom to examine and discuss the literature I most treasure with enthusiastic and quite intelligent adults.
AMY SPANNE, M.A., APPLIED ECONOMICSMy dad gave us a family motto: Don't Do Anything Stupid. It was pretty straight forward and summed up most precautions the parental units could think of. So, after working in Asset/Liability management with Wells Fargo & Bank of America for a little more than 10 years, and settling into being a full time mom and professional volunteer, I decided my mission in life was to keep anyone I knew from doing stupid things with money. Unintentionally anyway. I mean, you don't want to look at my fabric collection. I took the courses to become a Certified Financial Planner and wound up teaching the Finance portion of the program at South and Central Seattle Colleges. I found I liked teaching. Meanwhile the LLC was moving into my church building and I thought it would be interesting to put together a course teaching financial ideas to non-financial people. The response was positive at that time, so I thought I'd try it again. The goal of the class is to help nonfinancial people become better consumers of financial information by acquainting them with the ideas, language and beliefs of the people who would be advising them. Understanding where "your money guy" is coming from, will help you know whether they are doing their job well or selling you a raw deal.
MARIA STALLINGS, 200 RYT, M.A., TESOLThe community at LLC is vibrant, engaging, and one that I admire. I found everyone to be welcoming and encouraging when I took a watercolor class here a few years ago; this is a community that I am happy to join. I have practiced yoga for many years, and teach gentle yoga. Yoga helps me find balance for my body and mind in this ever changing world. It is a pleasure to share gentle yoga at LLC.
BILL TAYLOR, M.A., POLITICAL SCIENCETeaching is in my bones. I taught political science and history for 32 years at a community college near Chicago and then taught in the senior adult program at the college until I moved to Seattle. As soon as I got here I began looking for a place to teach. By sheer luck (or perhaps divine guidance) I found LLC. I love all that I learn from the people in my classes.
JAMES TAYLOR, MPA, BASEBALL AFICIONADOI heard such wonderful things about LLC from a distant relative who described it as “The Harvard of Adult Education.” I feel honored to join such an august institution to teach the History of Baseball. I have been a baseball fan since early childhood. My first World Series was when I was five with Mel Allen calling the Yankees vs. Giants in 1951. It was also Mays’ and Mantle’s first, and DiMaggio’s last. Being a fan led me to a love of box scores then to career stats and baseball’s history. My baseball library is probably not as big as Cooperstown’s, but it’s impressive nonetheless. I’m hoping all of us have fun learning baseball’s history and sharing our own baseball memories. And, if there’s a few arguments along the way, I’ll make sure no one gets thrown out of the game.
GAIL THOMPSON, CERTIFIED FELDENKRAIS INSTRUCTORI learned about LLC by substitute teaching for the previous Feldenkrais teacher, and decided to take over her class when she left the program. I love how the Feldenkrais Method helps me age more comfortably and that it's a lifelong learning process of neuroplasticity between our brains and musculoskeletal system. I am excited about sharing this learning with others.
SUSAN VANZANTEN, PH.D., LITERATUREI've been a member of a book club for several years with many members active in LLC, who encouraged me to consider participating. Having recently retired as the Dean of the Valparaiso University Honors College, I'd love to get back into the classroom and talk with others about my favorite poets and writers.
ED WAGNER, M.D., M.P.H.I learned about LLC from my dear friend, Marianne LoGerfo. As a result, my wife and I have taken a number of LLC courses offered by Marianne, Bill Taylor, and others. I will teach “Perspectives on the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament”. I am looking forward to discussions of Bible related issues and questions with smart people with a wide array of religious beliefs and experiences
BARBARA WOLFENDALE, FIBER ARTSI first heard about LLC many years ago while I was still working and raising a family. It was still on Queen Anne at that time and there was an article in the paper that I clipped out and put in the drawer for when I was old enough to come. Finally it was time. By then LLC had moved to Sand Point and there was a quilting class I could take. Eventually we moved to Ravenna and now Lake City. I just keep finding things to make and give away. I’m trained as a teacher, and I’ve taught at various schools as well as local sewing stores. I’ve also taught embellishment classes at seminars and do private lessons. I sew now mainly for several charities and do mostly baby blankets that go to homeless babies or families in transition from homelessness. I call it my work and it keeps me motivated and busy. I’m sure I have more flannel at my house than just about anyone! I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting people at LLC as they are so young at heart and enjoy a good challenge.
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